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Div Genius Syrup

Complete Family Happiness Tonic

Div-Genius is a Special Herbal Tonic, Approved by State Drug Licencing Authority. The components used in the product are selectively chosen post highly qualitative research by multiple scientists, research scholars etc.

Product description

The product is made for Anti Stress, Better Productivity, Memory , Learning and Concentration, HyperTension, Depression, Stress & Anxiety Health benefits. May Include Memory Boost , Good Learning and Concentration. Special Feature is Sugar Free and can be used by people of all age groups. The Product is Vegetarian Product sorbitol based available in Chocolate and Litchi flavour. One Spoon Daily Morning and Evening very much effective for AUTISM / ADHD Kids as well.

  • 100% effective. Immunity Plus, Stress / Anxiety Relief
  • Makes you stronger, sharper and agile. Must have for Working Professionals/Houselhold Women.
  • Balances Cortisol and associated stress Hormones and Neural Pathways
  • Improves Confidence, Memory, cognitive skills, sleep Cycle
  • Relief from Stress induced-head-ache, acidity, depression.

How does Tonic Works

  • Div-Genius Works on three Action Formula ( Prevent - Improve - Reduce )
  • It Improves the proportion of various enzymes and proteins of the brain which helps in improving its cognitive learning skills and memory. It reduces the working or impact of certain Bio-Chemicals, thereby reducing Stress, Anxiety, Confusion etc.
  • It Protects the brain from certain toxic degradation or Free-radical Oxidations which prevents age related neuro-degenerations and maintains healthy brain working.

How does Tonic help

Div-genius helps to keep the stress level under control, naturally helping neurons to regenerate and maintaining good levels of STRESS BUFFERS of the brain.

  • Div-Genius brings wonderful results in case of Children / Students/ Scholars , as it helps to increase Cognitive Learning skills, Improves Learning, Increasing attention span, Improves focus learning, Improves mental retention of subject.
  • Div-Genius is a special Formulation which is developed specially to help relieve you of stress, Anxiety, Hyper-activity.
  • The Components of the product makes it stand out for Improving age related mental digressions like poor cognitive skills, low memory and poor auditory skills.

All age group people can have div-genius tonic

Div-Genius is herbal Tonic made of well chosen herbal components, which are safe for people of all age groups, above age of 3 years. The Quantity of intake differs, from young to Old, from healthy to diseased, from faster to slower results, from temporary to sustained long term results. So the Product is safe for.

  • Children/ Scholars for improving cognitive skills - Sharper memory and retention
  • Middle Age Group for reducing stress , Anxiety, Hyper Tension.
  • Senior Age Group for preventing age related mental degenerations and maintaining good memory, good auditory skills, reducing stress etc.

How long does it take for effects to get visible

Div-genius is Herbal Tonic, which does not work to bring instantaneous results by adding any artificial compound or bio-chemic to the body. The Product naturally stimulates, actuates various enzymes, proteins or neuro-transmitters of the brain. Because the tonic aims to bring the working of STRESS-BUFFERS or neurons to natural Healthy working, It takes on average 3-5 days to start showing some results of mental peace, lesser headache, lesser gastric-acidity, The effects become prominent after regular intake of dosage for 15-20 days on average. The product needs to be taken for a minimum 1-3 months of time to have sustained long term results of Healthy Working of Stress ENZYMES etc.

Any Query you Can talk to our counsellor or expert before buying

Div-Genius Offers free customer support to the clients solving their query and addressing their concerns on WhatsApp as well as call Line. Anyone willing to know more about the product and application to them can call or whatsapp or email at the contact details.